In the Twinkling of an Eye
How long does it take an eye to twinkle? It is not very long. That is why we have to be ready for Jesus to return for us. No one will have time once the trumpet sounds.(I Corinthians 15:51-52) He will come to take all of the believers to heaven for the marriage feast of the Lamb. Everyone else will be left behind for the terrible time of tribulation.
A mystery in the Bible is something that was not known that God reveals to us. God had shown Paul many things. One of them was the time when we would be caught up in the air to meet the Lord. Some people call it the Rapture. There is no doubt it will happen, but we do not know when it will take place. We must be ready by knowing Christ. Then, all of a sudden, when the trumpet sounds, those who have died in Christ will be raised up, their old bodies made into eternal bodies, and those who are still alive will be changed to their eternal bodies, so that all of us can be caught up to meet Jesus in the sky and be taken to heaven. It could happen today. We do not know. We must live every moment ready for His coming.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Corinthians 16 and II Corinthians 1-2.
A mystery in the Bible is something that was not known that God reveals to us. God had shown Paul many things. One of them was the time when we would be caught up in the air to meet the Lord. Some people call it the Rapture. There is no doubt it will happen, but we do not know when it will take place. We must be ready by knowing Christ. Then, all of a sudden, when the trumpet sounds, those who have died in Christ will be raised up, their old bodies made into eternal bodies, and those who are still alive will be changed to their eternal bodies, so that all of us can be caught up to meet Jesus in the sky and be taken to heaven. It could happen today. We do not know. We must live every moment ready for His coming.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Corinthians 16 and II Corinthians 1-2.