Vindicated by God
All of us are vulnerable to ungodly people, who are deceitful and unjust. Anyone can decide to slander us or say something hurtful to other people. There is no way to stop people from doing this. David had more than his share of being slandered. He knew the only real vindication came from God, so He cried out to God.(Psalm 43:1) I have experienced it myself, and I have found David's course of action to be the best way to handle this difficult part of life.
Don't let anyone tell you that words don't hurt. They not only hurt us, they cause damage to our reputations. We want to lash out and defend ourselves. If we follow the flesh, we want to slander the other person to get back at them. Neither of these actions takes care of the problem, and they can make things much worse. Yes, we can set the facts straight by giving evidence that the allegations are false. However, anyone can believe the false reports if that is what they are inclined to do. That is why we must depend on God to vindicate us.
When we are vindicated by God, He takes our side, so that the Holy Spirit convicts people of their sin of slander. Then, He shows others that the reports do not line up with our character and actions, so they must not be true. It might takes years, but God brings the truth to light. We have to be patient and wait for Him to make it right for us. I have seen Him work in the lives of many people to vindicate me, but I am still waiting for others. If they never accept the truth, at least, I know that I will stand before my Lord one day, and He knows the whole truth.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 46-48.
Don't let anyone tell you that words don't hurt. They not only hurt us, they cause damage to our reputations. We want to lash out and defend ourselves. If we follow the flesh, we want to slander the other person to get back at them. Neither of these actions takes care of the problem, and they can make things much worse. Yes, we can set the facts straight by giving evidence that the allegations are false. However, anyone can believe the false reports if that is what they are inclined to do. That is why we must depend on God to vindicate us.
When we are vindicated by God, He takes our side, so that the Holy Spirit convicts people of their sin of slander. Then, He shows others that the reports do not line up with our character and actions, so they must not be true. It might takes years, but God brings the truth to light. We have to be patient and wait for Him to make it right for us. I have seen Him work in the lives of many people to vindicate me, but I am still waiting for others. If they never accept the truth, at least, I know that I will stand before my Lord one day, and He knows the whole truth.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 46-48.