The Temple of the Infinite God
Solomon set out to build the Temple as God had instructed him. He was overwhelmed by the thought of building a temple for God, who could not be contained in all of the heavens. He could not fathom how He would live in this finite building, but it was true.(II Chronicles 2:6) We do not have to be able to understand everything about God to believe it. If we knew all He knows, we would be God, and we will never be God.
The Infinite God who created everything is a Person. He loves us, and He wants to live among us to have a close personal relationship with His people. This started with the Tabernacle. Then, Solomon built the first Temple. Now, we, as Christians, are the temples of the Holy Spirit. God lives in us. We do not understand it, but it is evident by His power and direction in our lives. In fact, the Bible says in Romans 8 that if a person does not have the Spirit, that person is not a believer. Isn't that amazing? We should be overwhelmed like Solomon every day when we get up and realize the Infinite God knows a way to reside in us. We should give Him all of our lives as a sacrifice to His greatness and His love for us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 5-7.
The Infinite God who created everything is a Person. He loves us, and He wants to live among us to have a close personal relationship with His people. This started with the Tabernacle. Then, Solomon built the first Temple. Now, we, as Christians, are the temples of the Holy Spirit. God lives in us. We do not understand it, but it is evident by His power and direction in our lives. In fact, the Bible says in Romans 8 that if a person does not have the Spirit, that person is not a believer. Isn't that amazing? We should be overwhelmed like Solomon every day when we get up and realize the Infinite God knows a way to reside in us. We should give Him all of our lives as a sacrifice to His greatness and His love for us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 5-7.