Be Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind
God's commands are always vital for our well-being. When God makes a command, He does not do it without love and without a lot of wisdom behind it. He knows that we can't live up to His design if we don't follow His commands. In a way it is like following the owners' manual for a product. The creators of the product write the manual to show us the proper way to operate it based on it's design. God is our Creator, and His commands are the owners' manual for us to follow in living our lives.
One of the main commands is Romans 12:2 because it tells us how to prove His will in our lives. This verse clearly commands us, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." We must reprogram our minds by the power of His Spirit. The old things of the world and the flesh must be taken out, and the truths of God must be taken in, so that we begin to think with the Mind of Christ. Until this happens we are going to be very susceptible to negative thinking, low self-esteem, and other false ways of thinking.
Therefore, I would ask each of you a question. What are you doing to have your mind transformed? How are you putting off the old thinking and putting on the new? If you do not have an intentional plan for having your mind renewed by the Lord, chances are you will fall for the thinking of this world and follow the flesh almost every time. Remember Isaiah 55:8. God's thoughts are not our thoughts. We have to change our way of thinking, so that we think His way. I urge you to have a plan to incorporate His Word and His wisdom into your life, so that your mind can be renewed, and you can live in His perfect will for your life.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Proverbs 11-13.
One of the main commands is Romans 12:2 because it tells us how to prove His will in our lives. This verse clearly commands us, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." We must reprogram our minds by the power of His Spirit. The old things of the world and the flesh must be taken out, and the truths of God must be taken in, so that we begin to think with the Mind of Christ. Until this happens we are going to be very susceptible to negative thinking, low self-esteem, and other false ways of thinking.
Therefore, I would ask each of you a question. What are you doing to have your mind transformed? How are you putting off the old thinking and putting on the new? If you do not have an intentional plan for having your mind renewed by the Lord, chances are you will fall for the thinking of this world and follow the flesh almost every time. Remember Isaiah 55:8. God's thoughts are not our thoughts. We have to change our way of thinking, so that we think His way. I urge you to have a plan to incorporate His Word and His wisdom into your life, so that your mind can be renewed, and you can live in His perfect will for your life.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Proverbs 11-13.