The God of All Comfort

There are some things I can affirm with 100% accuracy because of the clear teachings of God's Word. One of those things is that our God is the God of all comfort. (II Corinthians 2:3) Therefore, there is nothing that could ever happen to you that is beyond the ability and the heart of God to give you the strength to overcome it. He cares, and He can empower you.

Are you poor? Jesus was poor. He knows what you are going through. His life was an abundant life, even though He had very little in the way of earthly possessions. He can do the same for you, if you will let Him. Most people want the money, not the comfort. He will not always supply more money.

Are you in pain or are you suffering? Jesus had more pain than any individual ever had when He went through the Cross. His pain was physical, emotional, and spiritual. He knows how to comfort you, because He was enabled by the Father to endure it all, even all of the sins of the world being dumped on Him. He had the pain. He suffered. However, God's grace was more than sufficient for Him, and it will be for you, too, if you will call out to Him.

Are you grieving? Do you know that the Father had to watch His only Son die? Do you know that Jesus probably experienced the death of his earthly father, Joseph, at a young age? God knows your grief. He knows how to lead you through the grief process and come out stronger than ever. He cares about your loss, just as He wept at the tomb of Lazarus. He doesn't always raise the dead, but He brings the comfort we need.

Truly, He is the God of all comfort. Let Him comfort you in the way that only He can.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Proverbs 8,9 and II Corinthians 3.

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