The Gift of Wisdom

I had the privilege of speaking to our middle school students again this morning. We are making our way through the book of James. I am trying to apply the truths on their level in a way that is relevant to life at their age. It is a challenge, but I think God is speaking to them.

This morning we discussed "wisdom." Most people don't really know much about wisdom. The main thing they don't know is that it only comes from God. In fact, according to James 1:5 it is a gift that God gives to those who ask Him for it. Once a person asks sincerely, He gives them more than enough. However, most people don't know what wisdom is, either. Wisdom is not knowledge or intelligence. It is possible to know a lot of facts and not be wise. It is possible to be very intelligent and not be wise. Wisdom is knowing what to do with the information and the intelligence. It is being able to know what to do in a situation. This can only come from God, because He is the only one who knows all and sees all. He gives us wisdom when He gives us His perspective on things. Then, we see the right thing to do or to think.

We all need wisdom, and anyone can have it, but we have to seek it diligently. We have to ask God to give it to us for every situation and reality of life. When we ask with a seeking heart, He will answer, and we will have wisdom. Besides salvation it is one of the greatest gifts anyone can receive. It is worth more than silver or gold. It is worth all of the time and effort we put forth to seek it from the Lord, because it pays many benefits.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Proverbs 6,7 and II Corinthians 2.

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