God's Justice
I spent some time in a courtroom today, and now I can understand the old saying that "the wheels of justice turn slowly" even better than before. I appreciate the freedoms we have in the USA, and I know that we have to have courts when people break our laws and infringe on those freedoms. It is the God ordained way to keep order in society. The system is not perfect by any means, but it is very necessary.
As I reflected on that experience, I could not help but think about God's justice. He is always totally fair. He never misses anything. He knows all of the motives and the actions. He is the only perfect Judge. That is very good when we are just, and we long to be vindicated, but it is very serious when we are wrong, and we receive our punishment. God must punish sin, or else He would not be just. Sometimes, He gives us less punishment than we deserve. We call that mercy. However, He never lets us off without any consequences, because He wants us to hate sin and repent of it.
I have never had to stand before a judge for more than a traffic ticket, and I hope I never will have to stand before a human judge for a serious offense. However, I know one day I will stand before The Judge, Jesus, and give an account of my life. The reality of standing before a Just God gives me great motivation to love Him and follow Him completely, so He will be able to commend me, instead of punishing me.
Tomorrow, Iintend to read Job 38-40 and Acts 16:1-21.
As I reflected on that experience, I could not help but think about God's justice. He is always totally fair. He never misses anything. He knows all of the motives and the actions. He is the only perfect Judge. That is very good when we are just, and we long to be vindicated, but it is very serious when we are wrong, and we receive our punishment. God must punish sin, or else He would not be just. Sometimes, He gives us less punishment than we deserve. We call that mercy. However, He never lets us off without any consequences, because He wants us to hate sin and repent of it.
I have never had to stand before a judge for more than a traffic ticket, and I hope I never will have to stand before a human judge for a serious offense. However, I know one day I will stand before The Judge, Jesus, and give an account of my life. The reality of standing before a Just God gives me great motivation to love Him and follow Him completely, so He will be able to commend me, instead of punishing me.
Tomorrow, Iintend to read Job 38-40 and Acts 16:1-21.