Unexpected Events

This evening we had an unexpected event at church before the start of our regular services. I went up from supper to the fellowship hall where we have prayer meeting for the adults. As I was waiting for everyone to arrive, I looked out the door. I saw two groups of teenagers standing in the drizzle. They were very still, and they had their heads bowed. I thought to myself that they looked like they were praying, but I could not figure out why they would be praying in the misting rain. Then, the fire trucks came out of the station across the street, and they pulled up beside the BP station at the corner. I saw a man carrying one of the back boards across the street. I got my umbrella and went out to ask what had happened. One of the teenagers who comes on Wednesdays was hit by a car. Steve was with him, and he was responding, but they were going to take him to the hospital for tests. That is why they were praying.

Jerry gathered the youth into the chapel and we had a prayer service, in which we prayed for the young man and others. We had the song service and the teaching time, too, except I had to fill in for Steve. I asked the students why those types of things happened, and they gave me a lot of great answers. They saw that God was in control and that He could work it for good in a lot of ways. I was very glad to see their faith and understanding. By that time we had received a call telling us that the preliminary tests did not show any serious injuries.

I told the young people that God could use those sad things and difficult things to bring us together and to teach us things that the good things could not teach us. I pray that is what will happen in this case. I pray for this young man to be just fine, and I pray for God to work in many hearts through this unexpected event.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Hosea 5-8 and Revelation 2.

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