Connecting As Much As Possible

This year I have been trying to show folks that relationships are important to the Lord, so they should be important to us. This is especially true when it comes to communicating the Gospel to non-believers. They must see how much we care before they will care how much we know. I have been using the word "connect" to mean forming those relationships that are solid and real. We need those meaningful relationships with Christians and with non-Christians.

Today was one of those days when I had the opportunity to connect with numerous people in various situations. It is hard to spend a lot of time with each person, but I want to show each one that I care and that I am there for them. This morning we were getting ready for our children's Christmas party. I went to help out because I wanted Krystie and the others to know that I care for them and for the children. Then, Chris and I went to the hospital, because Jessie had been in a serious wreck on Friday afternoon. Of course, we wanted her and the family to know how much we care. At the same time I was talking with Jane, whose husband had died, and they are planning the funeral for this coming week. After all this dear lady has been through, I want her to know how much we care, and we want to be there for her. Finally, we had two more Christmas parties to attend tonight. Like I said, I was not able to have a lot of time with each person, but I love them, and I want them to know that.

This was not a typical day for a pastor, but there are no typical days, really. Each day is a combination of leading, administering, and caring. I wish it could be all caring, but right now that is not possible. However, I want to maximize the time I have with non-believers, so I can show them Jesus by how I act and how I speak. I want them to see Jesus in me and hear His Word through my lips. Then, I want to see them come to Christ. That is the ultimate connection. They connect with Jesus in an intimate love relationship, and they become a part of God's family, so they are my brothers or sisters. I pray that we all would make it a goal to connect as much as possible for the glory of God.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Joel and Revelation 5.

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