Being a Missionary to Our Community

For a couple of years now I have been putting a great deal of emphasis on how we, as believers, need to think of ourselves as missionaries to our community. In the past we have talked about witnessing which is very good. We have spoken about making disciples, which is great. However, now the people around us are so far from Christianity we need to consider how to bridge the cultural gap and share the Truth with them in a way that is relevant. If we don't do that, the vast majority of the people around us will spend eternity in Hell, and we will not have fulfilled God's purpose for us.

So, how are you doing? How many times this past week did you seek to build a relationship with a non-Christian? How many times did you seek to share a word of testimony with someone who needs the Lord Jesus? What did you do to relate a godly love for the non-believers around you? It is not just the question of a preacher. It is vital for us to be Jesus to those around us.

My heart yearns to spend less time in an office or in a car and more time with people, both believers and non-believers. I hope you have the same yearning. If we will all cultivate that passion, we could see a great awakening in our community. That is what I long to see.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 3-4 and Hebrews 11:20-40.

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