Being Called Names

This afternoon at Good news Club one of the little boys came up to me, and he was very disturbed. There was a boy and a girl who were calling him names. The boy wanted me to get on to them for calling him those names. He wanted them to get in trouble for what they had done to him.

For a moment I was transported back to my school days, and I remembered how the words of others could cut me to the heart. I am sure I was not alone in this. No one likes to be called bad names or to be made fun of by others. It hurts our feelings and our self-esteem. The first reaction is to try to get back at the person like the little boy was doing today. However, that is not the best response to being called names.

Once I became a pastor, I found the solution to hurtful names and accusations by other people. I found out that my self worth must come from my relationship with Jesus Christ. That way, I know that God loves me, so if no one else in the world loves me, I am OK, because the most important Person in the universe loves me. I stopped being devastated by what people said to me or about me. I still don't like it, but I realized that they said the same kinds of things about Jesus. He was perfect. He did nothing to deserve it, but they did it anyway. Also, if I am a follower of Christ, I will be attacked as He was because Satan wants to give all of God's children a hard time.

What a freeing experience! Jesus loves me. He is happy with me. I have His peace and His friendship. I don't have to let anything get me down as long as I focus on Him and on His will. I pray that you have learned that same truth and that you are applying it in your own life.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 51-52 and Hebrews 9.

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