Losing Battles, but Winning the War
When I think about the spiritual warfare that is going on around us all of the time, I realize that God is ultimately going to win against Satan, but Satan will win some of the battles along the way. Satan is a defeated foe, and he knows it. That fact makes him fight even harder. He wants to get in every blow he can before he is sent to the Lake of Fire forever. He will try to take as many people there with him as he possibly can. Misery loves company.
How many people do you know who are being defeated by Satan right now? How many of them are believers, but they are still losing against the Devil and his demons? I am afraid there are a majority of Christians who are being defeated by Satan daily, and many of them do not even know that a battle is going on. They think because they have accepted Christ as Savior and Lord that everything should be great for them. They wonder why their lives are in confusion and pain. The reason is that they are not putting up a fight against the Adversary. They are not putting on the whole armor of God each day, and they are not using the spiritual weapons of the Word of God and prayer to defeat Satan. Therefore, it is easy for him to destroy them.
Please, don't let that happen to you and your family. Stop fighting Satan in your own power. Use the armor of God (Ephesians 6:13-18) and the weapons of the Spirit (II Corinthians 10:3-6) Pull down the strongholds Satan has built up in your life and chase him out of your life. Then, live for the Lord Jesus every day in His power. It will be such a change that you will be amazed. That is how God is when we live for Him, and Satan is vanquished from our lives.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 57-59 and Romans 4.
How many people do you know who are being defeated by Satan right now? How many of them are believers, but they are still losing against the Devil and his demons? I am afraid there are a majority of Christians who are being defeated by Satan daily, and many of them do not even know that a battle is going on. They think because they have accepted Christ as Savior and Lord that everything should be great for them. They wonder why their lives are in confusion and pain. The reason is that they are not putting up a fight against the Adversary. They are not putting on the whole armor of God each day, and they are not using the spiritual weapons of the Word of God and prayer to defeat Satan. Therefore, it is easy for him to destroy them.
Please, don't let that happen to you and your family. Stop fighting Satan in your own power. Use the armor of God (Ephesians 6:13-18) and the weapons of the Spirit (II Corinthians 10:3-6) Pull down the strongholds Satan has built up in your life and chase him out of your life. Then, live for the Lord Jesus every day in His power. It will be such a change that you will be amazed. That is how God is when we live for Him, and Satan is vanquished from our lives.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 57-59 and Romans 4.