Three Days
Many times we have very short memories. When we forget something that is very unimportant, it doesn't amount to much of a problem. However, when we forget something momentous or consequential, it causes all kinds of serious problems. This is especially true for our spiritual memory. When God does something meaningful in our lives, we need to remember it, or we will end up failing to trust Him later.
The children of Israel had a very short spiritual memory as they left Egypt and journeyed to the land of Canaan. (Numbers 33:8) They departed from before Hahiroth and passed through the midst of the sea into the wilderness, went three days' journey in the wilderness of Etham, and camped at Marah. They were three days from walking across the Red Sea on dry ground, when they started complaining about not having enough water to drink.
Can you remember the great things that God has done in your life? We all need to keep those times in our minds and hold tightly to the lessons we learned from them. When God spoke to our heart, and we came to know Christ as our Lord and Savior. We must never forget that time, and we must know that God can and will speak to us at other times when we need Him. That way we do not give up on God when things are going badly.
If we have short spiritual memories, we can be like the children of Israel, and we can begin complaining about God's provision after seeing one of the greatest miracles in history. If we go to church on Sunday, and God shows us a great truth, we must not forget it by Wednesday, when we need to live it out in our life. This is why we need to have a spiritual journal and record what God says to us. We need to place spiritual markers in various ways, so we never forget the power of God to meet our needs.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 34-36 and Deuteronomy 1-2.