Silencing the Complainers
People who complain about things can really get on our nerves. They are no fun to be around. At times their complaining causes problems with unity and brings stress on groups of people. This is especially true when people complain against God and His actions.
God killed those who rebelled against Moses and Aaron. Then, the people complained about God's judgment, so He asked each tribe to bring one rod to the tabernacle. In one night Aaron's rod bloomed and bore ripe almonds. (Numbers 17:10) God told them to keep Aaron's rod that budded as a sign to the people to stop complaining or else He would kill them, too.
I think that story tells us a lot about how God feels about complaining and complainers. We need to remember that we can correct errors and problems without complaining. We can ask honest questions and speak the truth in love. That is God's way for us to act, instead of being negative and having a bad attitude.
After all, what good does it do to complain against God? He always does the right thing, even if we can't see why He is doing what He is doing. Yes, we can approach Him in prayer when we don't understand or when what He does hurts us. He is quick to listen. However let's stop the complaining, so He doesn't have to stop us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 19-21.