God's Blessing on Israel

 We have seen and heard a lot about the nation of Israel in the news lately. They suffered a terrible terrorist attack on their citizens about a year and a half ago. Since then, they have been fighting back and trying to get their people back who were taken hostage. Sometimes it seems that the world is against them, but that doesn't matter very much because God has promised His blessings for them.

Even the Moabite prophet, Balaam, saw the blessing of God on the children of Israel. He made a very accurate appraisal of them. (Numbers 24:9) He compared Israel to a lion who bows down, and he asked "As a lion, who will rouse him?" Then, he proclaimed the truth that the one who blesses Israel is blessed and the one who curses Israel is cursed. Ever since Abraham that has been God's blessing on Israel.

God is still using the nation of Israel to complete His plan for this world. Not many of them have turned to Jesus as Lord and Savior yet, but in the future that will happen. God brought them back to the holy land and established the nation of Israel again in 1948. He has helped them grow into a very powerful country, like a lion among the nations. Those who rouse the lion always regret their actions.

We have seen it over and over in history that those who bless Israel are blessed, and those who curse them are cursed. God is watching over them to preserve them for the last days when Jesus will come to set up His throne for 1,000 years. We would do well as individuals and as a country to remember this, so that we are a blessing to Israel and not one to curse them. It never pays to fight against God and His will.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 25-27. 

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