Truth is Lacking

We live in a time when truth is lacking. Everywhere we turn we are confronted by falsehoods and lies. It is hard to know what is true today, unless a person knows the Lord and follows His Word. If we go by anything else, we will be led astray. It is also a time when there is no justice. It is a very sad time.

Isaiah lived in a very similar time period because the people of God had gone so far from God and His Word. (Isaiah 59:15) Truth was lacking then, too, and when a person turned aside from evil, he was making himself a prey for those who lived by the lies of the day. The Lord saw the situation, and it was displeasing in His sight that there was no justice. What is a righteous person to do in times like these?

As believers, we must be determined not to be conformed to this world. We must have our minds transformed by the Word of God and by the Holy Spirit, so we can live in God's will. (Romans 12:2) Then, when we do the will of God, we must be prepared to be attacked by those who are following the lies of this world. It will happen, but God will be with us.

We must live in God's justice and promote His justice in our world. Yes, I know God's justice is the opposite of what this world calls justice. I know we will stick out. However, we can't allow the fact that truth is lacking, and there is no justice to prevail without putting up resistance. That is what we can do to point people to Jesus and the Word of God. If we don't do it, who will?


Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 60-62.  

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