God's Foolish Children

I know this might sound strange, but we can be related to someone and not know them very well, at all. I am sure we all have family members who live far away from us. We only see them on rare occasions.  Yes, we are family, but we are not close to them. Unfortunately, this can even happen to Christians in our relationship with God. We can be His children, but be very far from Him.

Jeremiah spoke about how this happened to God's people in his day. (Jeremiah 4:22) God proclaimed that His people were foolish, and they did not know Him. They were foolish children, and they had no understanding. In fact, they were skillful at doing evil, but they did not know how to do good. I am afraid this applies to many believers today.

If we do not spend time with God, we will drift away from Him. We will not hear His voice speaking to us. We will not know what is on His heart. He can be our Father, but we can be foolish children, living as if there is no God. When that happens, we do not have understanding about life and happiness. We are just trying to get our satisfaction from the wrong things.

This leads us to do evil things. We can even become very good at doing evil, while not knowing how to do good. We come to that point because we are trying to experience pleasure in the wrong ways. Satan shows us many ways to have a momentary pleasure, but we miss the lasting joy and peace of the Lord. We must make sure we know the Lord Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Then, we need to repent of our sins and spend our time seeking Him, instead of seeking the wrong things.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 5-7.

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