The One on whom God Looks

 We all know important people. Often, they can become conceited because of their position or power. It causes them to have a bad attitude toward regular people. They simply look past us to see the other important people around them. That is a terrible way to treat people. God doesn't do that, and He is the most important Person in the universe.

God told Isaiah the kind of people for which He looks. It might be surprising. (Isaiah 6:2) God's hand made all things that have been created, and He brought them into being from nothing. No one else could do that. However, God looks for the person who is humble, contrite in spirit, and who trembles at His Word. That means all of us could be very special people to the Lord of all.

Moses was a very humble leader, and God blessed him greatly. Jesus was even more humble. He went to the cross for us even though He never sinned. He humbled Himself to that terrible death because He loves all of us. We can be humble, too, not by putting ourselves down, but by realizing our need for God. Once we admit that we can't live without Him, we are noticed by God. 

Also, God looks on us with favor when we are sorry for our sins and we confess our sins. We all sin, but some people are proud of their sins and never admit their sins. God is looking for those of us who will turn from our sins and seek His forgiveness. We will do this if we read His Word with a trembling heart taking it very seriously. All of us can do these things, and God will come to spend meaningful time with us.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 1-4. 

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