The Tongue and Ear of a Disciple

 God gave the prophet, Isaiah, insight into many wonderful truths. Of course, he was sent to rebuke Israel for their sins in hopes that they would turn back to God. Also, God showed him what the Tribulation kingdom would be like when God will fulfill all of His promises to Israel that were not completed because of their sins. Then, there are the extended passages about "The Servant" which reveal to us the Person and work of Jesus as He would come to this earth for us. 

Isaiah 50 is one of those passages. There is one fact that should be precious to us, as believers. (Isaiah 50:4) Jesus let us know that the Father had given Him the tongue of disciples, so that He would know how to sustain the weary one with a word. The Father woke Him up every morning, and when He did, He awakened His ear to listen as a disciple listens to His teacher. Just think about that for a minute!

Jesus has always been the Lord of the universe, but He volunteered to become human so He could die and rise again for the sins of the whole world. In the process He submitted totally to the Father, and God gave Him the human abilities He needed to complete His mission. He gave Jesus the tongue of a disciple to be able to sustain us when we are weary. He gave Him the ear of a disciple that He might listen well to the Father and to us.

If God did that for Jesus, and we are supposed to become like Jesus, He wants us to have those two things, too. We should pray for God to give us that tongue to know just what to say to every person we have the opportunity to influence. We can have the right word at the right time. Also, we all need the ear of a disciple, so we can listen. That is one of the hardest things for most of us to do. We need to listen to God and to others, well, so we know just what to do at the right time.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 51-53.

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