The Sufficiency of God's Word

Words are like arrows which we shoot out to hit a target. If we shoot the right words, and we are careful how we share them, we can see much good done with our words. However, our human words are limited in what they can accomplish. We need to use God's Word if we really want to accomplish God's will completely.

God assured us of the sufficiency of His Word. (Isaiah 55:11) He told us that the Word which goes out of His mouth will never return to Him empty. It will accomplish what God desires and succeed in the purpose for which He sent it out. Now that is a powerful truth for all of us to apply in our lives each day.

The Word of God is the Sword of the Spirit. He gave it to us to use in the power of the Holy Spirit to defeat enemies and to accomplish His purposes. That is why we need to know God's Word, and we need to have a firm grasp on its meaning. Then, when we need of words to help another person or influence a life situation for the better, we can use God's Word.

Then, we can be assured that God's Word will never return void or empty. It will be successful in accomplishing what God sent it out to achieve. Our words can't always do what needs to be done, but we can season our words with the Word of God, either by quoting the Bible or referring to it. Then, the power of God's sufficient word is released to do its perfect work.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 57-59. 

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