Our Reasons to Rejoice

 It seems that a lot of us, as Christians, struggle in our daily lives. It is not just relationship problems or financial challenges. It is deeper than that. Many of us feel inferior. We have fears and doubts that plague us. We just don't feel confident in who were are and our ability to do what we need to do. That is not how God wants us to live as His children.

The prophet Isaiah had a good handle on this, and He shared with us the perspective that all believers should have each and every day. (Isaiah 61:10) We should rejoice greatly in the Lord and our soul should be joyful in our God, because He has clothed us with the garments of salvation, and He has wrapped us in the robe of righteousness. We are dressed by God as a groom and a bride would be for their wedding day in a turban and jewels. 

I pray we all can see what the Bible is saying to us. We need to have God's view of ourselves. We need to see that He has clothed us with everything that goes with salvation. He did not just forgive our sins and give us a place in heaven. That would be fantastic in itself. God has adopted us into His family and provided all we need to live every day in security, knowing He is holding us in His hands.

Also, we have His righteousness, not our own righteousness. He is there with us to lead us and empower us to do His will. We have the Holy Spirit, so we can and will be righteous toward God and others, if we just trust Him. Imagine how we look to God, and rejoice in that picture every day all day long. I pray that this will help all of us to rejoice greatly in the Lord all the time.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 63-66.  

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