
 We exercise our ability to trust all of the time. It was given to us by God when He made us in His image. God knew that trust was an essential element to having a wonderful life here on earth. We have to discern who to trust and who not to trust. We must be careful to depend on the right things and the right people or we will suffer much harm. 

The main thing is that we must decide to trust the Lord above all people and things. (Isaiah 26:4) In fact, we are commanded to trust in the Lord forever, because in God the Lord we have an everlasting Rock. Until we understand this and practice this trust, our lives will be filled with failures and heartaches. Just think about this for a minute.

We must never put our trust in ourselves or in other people before we trust the Lord, because all of us have limited knowledge and limited ability. It might work at times, but it is never the best course to take. Our trust must be in the Lord, not just for salvation from our sins, but for everything every day. We are to trust in Him forever. He is the Lord, and we must continually trust in Him for all things.

After all, once we know the Lord Jesus, He is our everlasting Rock. Forever He is there for us to support us, to empower us, and to guide us. Why would we ever decide to trust in anything or anyone else, since that is the case? Let's be wise and be set on our Lord, looking to Him for salvation and for all that we need forever.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 28-30.

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