Even to Your Graying Years

 There is one thing about aging that I know for sure. Getting old is not for sissies. It seems that the older we get the more things go wrong with our bodies and our minds. It can be a never ending list of doctors' appointments and tests. Then, there is the pain and discomfort that come with all of these things that happen to us. Aging can be very challenging and even scary.

God has always known this fact. He has assured us of His loving care for all of us as we age. (Isaiah 46:4) God has proclaimed that even to our old age, He will be the same, and even in our graying years, He will carry us. He has done this for others, and He will carry us and save us. That should be a great comfort to all of us, young and old.

We can feel ourselves changing as the years go by. We are less flexible, and our balance is not as good. We have trouble seeing and hearing as we did before. We develop health conditions that slow us down, so we can be concerned about what will happen to us. God wants us to know that He never changes. He is always strong and wise, so He can and will be with us.

As our hair turns gray or turns loose, we see ourselves aging. We are not sure when something serious will happen to us. After all, none of us will live here on earth forever. God knows what will happen to us before it happens. He is prepared to carry us through whatever comes and to save us through it all. He is able to preserve us here or take us home to heaven. There is no need for us to be afraid.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 47-50.

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