How to Live in God's Presence

 I am sure we all have friends that we love to be around. We have a lot in common, and we have the same values. It makes it a pleasure to spend time with them, and there is an absence of strife. Of course, the opposite is true, as well. When we spend time with those who don't live by our values, it is very uncomfortable, and it is not pleasant for us. Just think about how that applies to our relationship with the Lord.

The Lord made it very plain in His Word what kind of person He likes to have in His presence. (Isaiah 33:15-16) It is one who walks righteously and speaks with integrity. It is a person who rejects unjust gain and doesn't take bribes. It is the kind of person who shuts his ears and eyes from hearing and seeing bloodshed and evil. That person will dwell with the Lord. God will be his Refuge and bless him continually. I pray that is true of each of us.

Every day we have the challenge to live our lives according to God's righteousness. These things are spelled out in the Bible. We must determine to live by them and speak with integrity. We must say what we mean and mean what we say. We won't want to take bribes, and we will stay away from seeing and hearing about things like bloodshed and evil. We all know all of these qualities are very rare in our world today.

However, as we live in God's will, He will draw us close to Him where He sits on His throne in the heights of heaven. He will be our Rock, our place of safety, no matter what  or who comes against us. He will be quick to meet our needs for sustenance, and His blessings will be evident, as He rewards us for trusting Him and following close after Him.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 34-36. 

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