Streams in the Desert

 There is so much pain and suffering around us all the time that it is easy for us to wonder if God really cares. It seems that He would work miracles and end the suffering. It seems that if He is in control of everything, He would bring an end to wars and stop the violence in our world. However, all of these things are brought about by the presence of sin in our world, and God wants us to hate sin and turn to Him. Then, one day He will do away with all of the ravages of sin.

The book of Isaiah gives us glimpses into what God will do in the future. (Isaiah 35:6) Those who limp will leap like a deer, and the tongue of those who can't speak with shout for joy. Then waters will burst forth in the wilderness and steams in the desert. I pray that we are looking forward to that day with great anticipation and hope. It will be glorious.

Jesus will return to rapture all believers out of this world and take us to heaven while this earth goes through a great time of tribulation. Then, we will return with Him to set up His kingdom on earth and reign with Him for 1,000 years. This Millennial kingdom is what Isaiah is describing for us. It will be a time of no sin. Everything will be as God planned before sin infected our world.

Then, after that time all believers will live with Jesus in Heaven forever. There will be no sin, no sorrow, no diseases or disabilities. Heaven will be full of joy and peace. However, this is only for those who humbly turn to Jesus by turning from the their sins, putting their trust in Him who died and rose for them and surrendering to Him as Lord. Please, make sure you trust Jesus alone as your Lord, so you will be a part of this glorious future.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 37-39.

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