Trembling at God's Word
Let's suppose that the president of the United States received an official letter from the Head of Russia and the Head of China. The letter was a warning. It laid out their plans to carry out a nuclear attack on the United States unless our president and congress gave in to a series of demands. I wonder what would happen? I believe it would bring a serious and swift reaction to avert disaster.
God sent the King of Judah and his servants such a letter. Their reaction was very telling. (Jeremiah 36:24) The king and all his servants who heard all these words did not tremble in fear, nor did they tear their garments. In fact, the king did not even keep the letter from God. He burned it in the fire. They showed a total lack of respect for God and His Word.
Before we come down too hard on the King of Judah, let's stop and consider our reaction to God's inspired Word to us. How often do we take time to read the letter from the Ruler of the universe? When we do read it, do we take it seriously? Do we take notes on what God is saying to us, or do we just read a short passage and go back to what we were doing? We need to stop and reconsider our view of God's Word, the Bible, if any of these things are true of us.
Instead, we need to tremble at the Word of God. When we open the book or read a digital copy of God's Word, we need to have the utmost respect for every word we will read. We need to tremble in fear that if we reject God's Word or ignore it, God could bring severe judgment upon us. When we read of the hatred of God for sin, we need to repent, even tearing our clothes, to show our great grief if we have any unconfessed sins.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 37-39.