Is Anything Too Difficult for Me?
I am not much of a math student. Calculous and Trigonometry almost got me in high school. I even had trouble with the equations in chemistry. Also, I have trouble with mechanical things. I can eventually get something fixed, but I have to put it together the wrong way about 5 times before getting it right. I could go on and on about things that are difficult for me. However, I am confident that nothing is too difficult for my God.
That is exactly what God showed Jeremiah and His people. (Jeremiah 32:27) He announced to them that He was the Lord, the God of all flesh. Then, He asked them a rhetorical question, "Is there anything too difficult for Me?" Of course not. How could there be anything too difficult for the Creator and Sustainer of everything in the universe? Let's let that sink in for a minute.
As believers, we know that the Lord has saved us from our sins. He has not only forgiven our sins, but He has given us the Holy Spirit. He has given us a new heart. We have the mind of Christ. In Christ, we are new creations of God. What a drastic change we have seen in our lives. That should make us true believers in the ability of God, but does it?
When we pray for God to work in our life, do we really believe He can do anything. When we pray for His intervention are we expecting Him to come and work things out for us. When it comes to our church, do we believe that God can revive the church, and we can have a great awakening in America. What about the problems with our economy, the violence all around us, and the immorality we see. Nothing is too difficult for God, but we have to pray with faith expecting Him to move in a mighty way.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 34-36.