Lost Sheep
We are all sheep. That is a consistent analogy for us in the Bible. It is a great way to explain our dilemma. Sheep are not very smart. They can't find the food and shelter they need on their own. They can't protect themselves from predators. Sheep need good shepherds to lead them and care for them.
The people of Israel and Judah had become lost sheep. (Jeremiah 50:6) The reason they became lost sheep was that their shepherds had led them astray. They made them turn aside to the mountains, so they wandered from mountain to hill. In the process they had forgotten their resting place. I believe we can learn a lot from this analogy.
We all need to have the right shepherds. Of course, Jesus is the Good Shepherd. We need to know Him as Lord and Savior, so we can follow Him all the time. We also need good human shepherds. I am not just talking about pastors, but they are very important. We need people to help us stay on track and stay close to the Lord. If our human shepherds lead us astray, we are in trouble.
We can get to the point in our lives where we are just wandering with no purpose, and we are not getting the spiritual nourishment we need to grow in the Lord. We can even forget our resting place. The Lord is our Resting Place. We need to go to Him for rest and strength each day. Then, we can no longer be lost sheep. We can stay in the center of God's will, which is the best place to live.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 51-52 and Lamentations 1.