Striking but Healing

 Sometimes it is necessary for us to hurt another person before there can be healing. Yes, I know that sounds strange, but it is the truth. We have to speak words that will be painful for them to hear. Then, when they heed what we are saying, we can assure them of our love and healing can begin. This is how the Lord has to work in our lives, too.

There will come a day when God will bring the people of Egypt to believe in Him and to be healed from their hurts. (Isaiah 19:22) God assured the prophet Isaiah that He will strike Egypt, striking but healing, so they will return to the Lord, and He will respond to their pleas and heal them. This shows us God's heart and His process for healing.

When we sin, God has to strike us. It is like a father using the rod of reproof on his child. He doesn't do it just to hurt the child, but to help the child. We must first repent of our sin, so God strikes us to get our attention. He does it so we will listen to His instructions. Then, when we hear and repent, He knows we are serious about doing His will.

So after God strikes us, then, He comes in love to heal our wounds and draw us close to Him. We may need His reassurance, or we may need to reaffirm our trust in Him. Whatever we need to hear, He will say it, so we will find healing from the destructive power of sin in our life. However, He can't do that for us until He strikes us first.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 21-24.  

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