Glorify the Lord

 If there is one thing we ought to do, as believers, it is to glorify the Lord. It should be our priority in all that we do. We must give Him all the glory, for He is worthy. We should speak words that glorify God, and we should sing praises to the Lord Jesus to give Him glory. The world needs to hear us and see us giving glory to the Lord.

The Bible is clear about this from beginning to the end. (Isaiah 24:15) Isaiah was inspired to tell God's people to glorify the Lord in the east, the name of the Lord, the God of Israel, in the coastlands of the sea. That was saying that all of the people from beyond the Jordan River in the east to the Mediterranean Sea in the west should glorify the Lord. This is very true for us today, too.

We glorify God by showing how great He is. We can tell of the wonderful ways that He has provided for us and healed us. When we do, we give Him all of the credit and thus glorify Him. We can tell others about the name of the Lord. That means His character and His great authority over all things. There are so many ways to glorify the Lord.

Today, we need to point everyone to the Lord Jesus Christ. He deserves all of the glory for loving us enough to come to earth, born as a baby and growing to be a man. Yes, He was 100% man and 100% God. He did that so He could shed His precious blood to pay for our sins. That was the only payment to take away all of our sins forever. Let's give Him all of the glory everywhere we go.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 25-27. 

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