Tools in God's Hands

 It is always important to have the right tool for each job. It makes the job easier. In fact, the right tool in the hands of a skilled worker is very effective. However, it is absurd to think that a tool can accomplish any job without someone to wield the tool. The tool has no ability to do anything on its own. If we will think about this, it will help us in our Christian life.

The prophet Isaiah proclaimed this truth to God's people. (Isaiah 10:15) "Is the ax to boast itself over the one who chops with it? Is the saw to exalt itself over the one who wields it? That would be like a club wielding those who lift it or like a rod lifting the one who is not wood." Yet, this is just what we can try to do if we do not stop to think about what we are doing.

We are simply tools in God's hands. God is the Workman. He has the power. He has the skill. He just chooses to use us to do His work. There is no way that we could ever accomplish anything worthwhile in our own power or ability. We have to put ourselves in His hands and ask Him to use us to do His will.

When we try to do things on our own, we are vastly overstating our own worth and ability. It is like we are saying that we can help God out. We are thinking that we can support God and get His work done ourselves. God doesn't need help, and we couldn't give it to Him if He did. Remember, without Christ, we could do nothing at all. (John 15:5)


Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 11-13.

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