Rest from Our Hardship

 Life is a series of mountains and valleys. We have times of jubilation which are followed by the depths of despair. It is the nature of life. As much as we would like to have a joyful life all of the time, that is not possible. Even Jesus told us that while we are in this life we will have tribulation. However, God is good to us through the hardships of life.

The truth is that God sees what we are going through, and He knows just how much we can take. When the time is right, He brings us out of our trouble. (Isaiah 14:3) Isaiah assured the people that God would give His people rest from their hardship, their turmoil, and from the harsh service in which they had been enslaved. That promise applied to Israel, but God does the same for us today.

The devil tries to steal our joy and cause us to get depressed by telling us that things will never get better. He wants us to feel like our situation is hopeless. Hopelessness is what breads depression. We must never allow him to convince us of that lie. We must have steadfast hope in the Lord, knowing that He will bring us out of our hardship.

When we have a hard time, we are stressed, and that makes us tired. It is not a physical tiredness, but it wears us out mentally and emotionally. The good thing is that the Lord is there to give us rest. When we have turmoil in our relationships or our jobs, He is there to bring it to a proper end. Even when we feel enslaved by our circumstances, God will bring us out and free us, as we trust Him. We can count on God because of His love for us.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 17-20.

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