Trying God's Patience

 Most of us have trouble being patient. It is hard to wait when we are ready to see something happen. Also, we can get upset when others do things that try our patience. It seems that they are just trying to make us upset. That should make us never want to try the patience of others. However, the greatest danger is that we would try the patience of God.

When Isaiah was dealing with King Ahaz in a time of danger for Jerusalem, he told the king to ask God for a sign to show He would save the city. Ahaz refused to ask for a sign. (Isaiah 7:13) Then Isaiah told Ahaz to listen to the Lord. He asked, "Is it too trivial a thing for you to try the patience of men, that now you try the patience of my God as well?" We do well to heed this warning.

When God tells us to do something, we need to act quickly to do just what He asked us to do. It is a sin to ignore God or to argue with Him about His will. When we do that, we begin to try His patience. Even though God has a lot of patience, His patience does have a limit.

Instead, we need to determine that we will be very sensitive to God's Word and the voice of the Spirit, so we can be "instantly obedient" to God. When He speaks to us, we should not ask why, and we should not argue. We should just say yes with a willing heart. That way we will never try the patience of God. 


Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 8-10.

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