The Fruit of Our Actions

 I think most of us love to eat fruit. God made fruit for our enjoyment and for our nutrition. A good piece of fruit is a delicious dessert. However, a rotten piece of fruit is exactly the opposite. There is hardly anything more disgusting. We can learn about life if we will think about the difference between good fruit and bad fruit.

God told Isaiah to get the people's attention. (Isaiah 3:10) He told Isaiah to tell the righteous people that it would go well for them, because they would eat the fruit of their actions. In other words, our righteous actions, lead us to produce "good fruit" in our lives. When we do, things will go well for us.

This doesn't mean that if we are righteous, we will never have anything bad happen to us. Sin has infected this world in which we live, as well as our bodies, so we will experience the negative effects of sin in all kinds of ways. However, if we live righteous lives, our actions will produce good results for us and for others.

We will eat the fruit of our actions. When we follow God's will, we will see the benefits for ourselves and those around us. The good fruit produced by those actions will cause us to see positive results, and God will bless us for being obedient to Him in love. The opposite is also true, but let's concentrate on being righteous, so we can see things go well for us and our families.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 5-7. 

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