Wisdom Brings Success
We all try to do things, and we find we are not able to do them very well. This failure comes from a lack of knowledge about what we are doing. If we stop and think through what we are doing, we can apply some wisdom, instead of just using elbow grease or limited knowledge of the subject. Then, once we apply the wisdom, we find that we can complete our task well.
The Bible gives us a nugget of truth about this that we all need to consider. (Ecclesiastes 10:10) "If the ax is dull and he does not sharpen its edge, then he must exert more strength. Wisdom has the advantage of bringing success." We can either apply more wisdom, or we can make things harder on ourselves. It is up to us.
God is the source of all wisdom. He is All-knowing. When we have any challenge, our first step should be to stop and ask the Lord to supply us the wisdom we need. If we try to do it by ourselves, we are showing a lack of faith in the Lord, and we are hurting ourselves. God is concerned for us, whether we are working on a car or doing a household chore. He will give us His wisdom freely and abundantly. (James 1:5)
Let's quit being stubborn. Let's quit being in too big of a hurry. Let's slow down and think about what we are doing and what we need to make things go more easily for us. Then, let's pray without ceasing, as the Bible tells us to do. Let's cry out to God sincerely all through the day to ask Him to show us just what to do and how to do it well. Then, we will see the difference wisdom can make in bringing success.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ecclesiastes 11-12 and Song of Solomon 1.