White as Snow
As we begin reading through the books of the Prophets, let's remember that the people of God had become very sinful and corrupt. God had given them chances to return to Him and live in holiness, but they refused. He sent the Prophets to call them to repentance and to show them how grievous their sins were to God. We do well to read and take it all very personally, because we have all sinned against God, as well.
The good news is that God has a solution for our sins. He comes to us and speaks to us, so we can turn from our sins and be cleansed. (Isaiah 1:15) God told Isaiah to call the people to come to the Lord and to debate their case with Him. He would show them, if they would just trust Him and follow Him, though their sins were as scarlet, they would be white as snow, and though they were red like crimson, they would be as wool. What a blessing!
I pray that we all have the correct view of sin. Sin is terrible. God hates it. When we are living a sinful lifestyle, it is as though, we are covered with blood. In God's eyes we are as scarlet and crimson. Our sins are all He can see. We all need to be washed clean of our sins, so we can stand before God pure.
The only way for this to happen is through the forgiveness of God. We can't do good works to cleanse our sins. We can't worship enough to take them away. It is not our reputation with other people that will convince God to wash us thoroughly. It is only by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ. He shed His perfect blood for us, so that when we turn from our sins and trust Him, as Lord and Savior, His blood can be applied to our sins. When that happens, we are made white as snow. We are clean before God forever. Hallelujah!
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 2-4.