God's Faithfulness

Of all of the good attributes we have which ones are the most important? Which ones would make a "Top Five" list? It would take some thought for us to write up such a list. However, just think about God. How could we make a list of His "Top Five" Attributes? It is possible by searching the Bible and giving all of His qualities some thought. I think it would help all of us to do just that, so we have a better appreciation for God.

The writers of psalms list many of the character qualities of God, and they admonish us to give Him thanks for all of them. There is one that stands above many of them, though. It has a whole psalm written to emphasize it for us. (Psalm 136:1) The psalmist started off by saying, "Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, for His faithfulness is everlasting." Then, the rest of the psalm gives us reasons to thanks Him for His eternal faithfulness.

What about you? How has God been faithful to you? Take a minute to think back all the way to when you were a small child. Think of all of the times the Lord was faithful to protect you. Remember when He provided a friend right at the crucial time. Consider how God was faithful to forgive your sin, even when you had committed that sin over and over, but He didn't give up on you.

Yes, God is love! That will always be at the top of my list of His attributes. A close second is that God is holy. Those two describe the basic nature of God. Then, I think faithfulness has to come next. God was faithful to provide a plan of salvation for all of us. Jesus was faithful to go to the cross for all of us. He has gone to prepare a place for us in heaven, and He will come again to receive us to Himself. Great is His faithfulness!


Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 137-139.


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