Restoring Peace of Mind
Sometimes everything seems to go wrong all at once. The bills pile up. We get sick. There are relationship troubles. We just get down because we begin to think that things might just get worse and worse. We begin to wonder why God is not doing something to help us.
The psalmist had been in that very situation. He was down pretty low, but he remembered what he needed to do. (Psalm 77:11,12) He decided to remember the deeds of the Lord which he had seen, and he would certainly remember the wonders of old. Then, he would meditate on all God's work and His deeds with thanksgiving. That is a very good way to restore our peace of mind.
All of us have seen God do great things in our life. We can think back to when we were kids, and God kept us from getting hurt badly when we did something dumb. We look back on how God spoke to us as a teenager to keep us from making terrible choices. We remember when God intervened to help us financially or with our job. The longer we think the more these acts of God add up.
Then, as we meditate on what God has done for us and what we read about Him doing in history, we feel our mood changing. We realize that God did those things in the past, and He can do them now. We consider all of God's work with thanksgiving. We know that God always does what is right, and we are wrong to not be thankful for all He has done and what He is going to do in our future.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 78-80.