God, Do Not Be Silent
The enemies of God are getting louder and louder in their opposition to God and to all things associated with Him. They use the media to constantly pound out their positions and to stand firmly against what is right. They even have protests and act violently to get their point across and to make people afraid of them. We need for God to speak up today and not be silent in the face of all of this.
The same thing was happening in the psalmist's time because people have not changed. (Psalm 83:1-2) The psalmist pleaded with God not to remain quiet, not to be silent or stay still. For the enemies of God were making an uproar and those who hated God were exalting themselves. Doesn't that sound like today?
God has no trouble speaking. He can make Himself known, loud and clear. However, He always says the right thing at the right time, and in the right way. We must remember that He has spoken to all mankind by His Word, the Bible. It not only shows His character and great love, but it explains all that anyone needs to know about God to trust Him and be saved.
Also, He has given us, as Christians, His Spirit to empower us to speak for the Lord. The Spirit shows us what to say and how to say it. Then, He drives home the point by convicting others of their sins. I am afraid that the problem is that we are being silent. We are not obeying the Spirit and sharing God's Word. I pray that all of us will stand up for the Lord and His Word to see the enemies defeated and a great revival to take place.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 84-86.