Practicing Righteousness at All Times
Many Christians do not live the way the Lord wants them to live because they do not think it is possible. If we do not think something is possible, we will not try to do, and we will fail simply because we didn't try. However, it is possible to live like God wants us to live. It is possible to grow spiritually to where we act and speak like Jesus. We won't be perfect, but we can be consistent in our righteousness.
The psalmist recognized this reality and that God blesses us when we live like this. (Psalm 106:3) He said that God blessed those who maintain justice, who practice righteousness at all times. This shows us that is what God wants from us, and it shows it is possible. If we want to receive God's blessings this should be our aim each day.
When we maintain justice, we make the right decisions about what is right and wrong, good and bad. We know these things because we search God's Word, when needed, to find out just what to believe and what to do. Then, we maintain that standard in our life. We do this for ourselves and for others.
When we practice righteousness, we will in a way that we are right with God and with others. We do what God commands and what God desires. We do it out of love, not duty, and we do it at all times. We are not just Sunday Christians. We pray and study God's Word each day, so we are learning and applying what we learn. Then, God blesses us because of our consistent righteousness.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 107-109.