Two Requests for God
Isn't it great that God is so accessible? We can go to Him at any time of the day or night to talk with Him about anything. He doesn't get mad at us for bothering Him. He doesn't put us off until a later time. He is patient and kind to us. In fact, He loves to speak with us and wants to hear what is on our mind. However, sometimes we have things that keep us from being open with God.
That is how Job felt. He wanted to address God, but He had some fears that were troubling Him. He was afraid of what God would do when Job talked with Him from his heart. (Job 13:20-21) Job told God that he only had two things to ask that God would not do to him. Then, he would not hide from God's face. He requested that God not remove His hand from him, and that the dread of God would not terrify him.
It is definitely hard to speak with the Lord if we think He will be upset with us and withdraw His hand from us. God is not that kind of person. He can take whatever we might throw at Him. He has heard it all, and He still cares for every individual person on earth. If we are a believer, He will never take His hand off of us in disgust at something we say to Him.
Also, we are to have a healthy fear of God. That fear is a respect for His holiness and power. It is a worshipful reverence for who He is. It is not meant to ever be a dread of Him or a fear of coming into His presence. Even when He punishes us, He does it in love, for our own good. Therefore, we can always talk with God and never be terrified by His greatness.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 14-17.