Telling God to Go Away
We live in a world where more and more people don't want to have anything to do with God. They want to live however they want to live without any consideration for what is true and right. I know it is a result of relativism, but it is still hard for me to believe. I really don't see how a person can look at this world and us, as human beings, and think that it all just happened from nothing.
There were people like that is Job's day, too. He had observed them. (Job 21:14) Job saw that they said to God, "Go away from us, We do not even desire the knowledge of Your ways." This type of people may think they are very intelligent, but what they are doing is not smart, at all. Let's consider it for a minute.
God reveals Himself to everyone. We all know in our hearts that He exists and that He created everything. However, He gave us the free will to trust Him or reject Him. People who reject Him are rejecting a relationship with the All-wise, All-powerful God. That doesn't seem wise to me. Also, if we don't even desire to know His ways, we are rejecting truth and reality. It looks like people would want to know His ways, even if they were not willing to trust Him.
Now, before we, as Christians, get too upset with these people, let's realize our own situation. If we do not get up in the morning and spend time in prayer and the Bible, aren't we really saying to God we don't care if He is around or not? Isn't it almost like saying, "Go away." We just ignore Him. Also, if we don't take time to study the Bible. and to learn His ways, aren't we doing the same thing as those people. We may believe in Jesus, but we don't want Him around, and we don't want to learn about His ways. That is a dangerous way to live.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 22-24.