Your Portion and Your Inheritance

 Many times people are greedy to get all they can. When the cake is cut for the family to eat, they want a large portion for themselves. When a family member dies, they fight over who gets the inheritance. It is a sign that they do not have enough to make them feel satisfied and secure. God doesn't want us to feel that way.

In Israel Aaron's family were the priests. They were set apart by the Lord to offer the sacrifices for the people so they could be right with God. God had a special provision for them. (Numbers 18:20) The Lord told Aaron that he would have no inheritance in the land of Israel, nor any portion among the sons of Israel. Instead, God was his portion and his inheritance among the sons of Israel. Nothing could have been better than that, could it?

Now, we, as Christians, belong to the Lord. We are His sons and daughters once we put our trust in Jesus as our Lord and Savior. He is to be the focus of our lives, and we are to look to Him as our Provider and the One who will make us secure forever. The truth is that now God is our portion and inheritance. Because of this, we should not be worried about our inheritance and riches in this world.

What could ever be better than knowing the Lord? What could be more satisfying than to walk with the King of the universe every day and have Him take care of us? The answer is that nothing is better. We must remember that our inheritance is being in heaven with the Lord forever, and He is our portion eternally to live in His loving care.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 19-21.

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