Beware of Being Deceived
We are all able to be deceived at different times and in different ways. None of us are immune to being deceived, and we must not let our guard down. Satan and his forces are very subtle, and they are very good at leading us down the wrong path, if we are not diligent to trust the Lord and His Word completely.
God warned the people of Israel of this problem. (Deuteronomy 11:16) He told them to beware so that they would not be easily deceived and that they would not turn away to serve other gods and to worship them, instead of worshiping God alone. We still see this happen to people today, so we must beware.
A god is anything to which we give our time, money, and effort besides the One True God. He is the Only One who deserves our devotion. If we start using our time for other things besides what He wants us to do, then we have a god in our life. It could be recreation, sports, shopping, or other interests. These things aren't bad, but we can't let them take away from the Lord in our life.
We worship things by giving them worth in our life. The key is to not give them more worth than they deserve. God is worthy of all of our worship. The other good things in our life should have their place, but never reach the place where we worship them, instead of God. Let's watch out for anything Satan puts in our way that might deceive us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 12-14.