Appointing a Leader
As you all know, I do not ever talk about politics on this blog, and I don't preach or teach politics. God has called me to teach and preach His Word and to help as many people as possible come to know Christ as Lord and Savior. However, we are in the midst of an election year, and there are Biblical principles to guide us in our selection of our leaders.
God made it very clear to the people of Israel as to how they were to appoint their king. (Deuteronomy 17:15) God told them to appoint a king over them whom the Lord their God chooses. This person would be one of their countrymen and not a foreigner. I believe this principle should still guide us today as we elect our leaders.
Many times we vote based on the poll results that are reported in the media. Many people just choose the popular candidate. They go along with their friends, so they will be accepted. That is not a wise way to choose a leader. The main thing we need to do is to pray for God to show us His choice. We must not just go by our feelings or what others say.
Also, we must not be selfish and vote for the person who promises to give us the most benefits. God wants what is best for the whole country, and His person will be just and do what is right for all of the people. Therefore, we should learn the facts about each candidate, and then see how their beliefs line up with God's truth. That will help lead us to God's person.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 18-20.