This is Our God
God is bringing this world to a closing chapter. Things will continue to get worse and worse until He has to step in and save the world from collapse. Have no fear! He is able, and He will do it. The Lord Jesus will gather His own to heaven, and the Jewish people will be saved. Finally, Jesus will come and reign from Jerusalem in triumph. It will be glorious to be there with Him for 1,000 years.
God allowed Isaiah to foresee this. (Isaiah 25:9) He told us long ago that in that day the people will proclaim, "This is our God. We trusted in Him and He saved us. This is the Lord in whom we trusted. Let us rejoice in the salvation He brings" What a day of rejoicing it will be when God overcomes the evil in this world, and delivers His people into a time of peace.
We really need to be doing the same thing today, as Christians. We need to be proclaiming to the world that He is our God. We have trusted in Him, and He has saved us from our sins and given us eternal, abundant life. Every day, He is with us to be our strength and our shield, to deliver us from the evil in this world.
We should be rejoicing in the salvation He brings to us and to all who call upon the Lord Jesus Christ, as the Lord and Savior. His salvation from sin is free. His provision is abundant. Our world is headed to destruction as fast as it can go. We need to loudly proclaim, "This is Our God," so they can hear and be saved, too.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 26-29.