Questioning God's Wisdom
Some things are just not very smart at all. Pulling the ears of a watchdog can get us in a lot of trouble. Jumping off of a house because we think we can overcome gravity could get us killed. It is very dangerous to go against God's wisdom and God's laws which He has established once and for all. However, there are people who do this all the time.
Job had questioned God's wisdom by thinking God was doing Him wrong. He wanted to speak to God, and God finally was ready to talk. (Job 38:2) He asked Job, "Who is this who questions My wisdom with such ignorant words?" I imagine that Job felt very foolish at that moment when he was confronted by almighty God.
Any words that people use to question God's wisdom are ignorant words. God established wisdom from His perfect knowledge and character. We do not have anything close to perfect knowledge, and our character is very flawed. We see things from a very limited point of view, so to question God is absurd.
God has created life, and according to His wisdom life begins at conception. We must not question this wisdom. He created us, male and female. That is God's wise design for our happiness and the procreation of children. Any words against this are ignorant words. If we say that all of the universe just evolved apart from any Creator, we have adopted a very unwise theory, instead of following the obvious facts. I pray that we will learn not to question God's wisdom.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 40-42.