Greater than We can Understand
Most of us think we are pretty smart. We believe we have the ability to understand anything, if it is explained to us well, or we can research it ourselves. However, that is just pride. It is not true. There are things we will never be able to understand. God is one of those things.
Job's friend, Elihu, knew this. (Job 36:26) He asserted to Job and the other friends that God is greater than we can understand. He told them that God's years cannot be counted. He was completely correct on both counts. We need to accept these facts.
We are never told we have to understand God. God has revealed Himself to us, so we can know Him and put our trust in Him. He has shown each of us enough to know that He is the All-powerful, Creator of the universe. By looking at the universe and reading His Word, we can see what a perfect job He did in everything, and we can trust Him with our lives.
God is eternal. His years can't be counted because He had no beginning, and He will have no end. How can that be, we ask? That is more than we can understand, but it does make sense that God has been here forever, and He started everything that exists from nothing. We don't have to understand Him, just trust Him and praise Him for being so perfect in all things.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 37-39.