Don't Let Anger Control You
Anger is a huge problem for many people. Even some believers allow their anger to get the best of them and cause them to sin. This just shouldn't happen. We should never be controlled by anything except the Holy Spirit. We must never let the flesh dominate us, as believers.
David knew this vital truth. (Psalm 4:4) God inspired him to tell us not to sin by letting anger control us. We should think about it overnight and remain silent. That would be a great help to so many people who suffer because of their anger.
This verse could seem to contradict Ephesians 4:26 where the Bible says to be angry and not to sin; don't let the sun go down on your anger. However, I think they are saying essentially the same thing. We are not to be so overwhelmed by anger that we sin by what we say or do. We are to remain silent, until we know just how the Lord wants us to respond. Then we do the right thing.
David's insight is even greater than the advice some give, when they say to count to 10 before responding if we get angry. The Lord says stay silent all night and think about it. When we do that we cool off, and we can think clearly. Then, we have controlled our anger so we don't sin, but we act as Jesus would act.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 5-8.