Prejudice is a terrible sin against God and other people. God made every person in His image, so all are of immense worth to Him. He even sent His Son to die for the sins of all people, so all people could be right with Him and have eternal life. That shows us that all people should be important to us, and we should want to see them saved.
Haman was prejudiced against the Jews. (Esther 3:6) He had learned of Mordecai's nationality, so he decided it was not enough to lay hands on Mordecai for his disrespect. Instead, he looked for a way to destroy all the Jews throughout the entire kingdom of Xerxes. His prejudice was against an entire nationality.
When we are prejudice, we prejudge a person or a group of people. We make a decision about their worth to us, even though we don't know them well, or maybe even before we have met them at all. Our prejudice could be based on their nationality, their skin color, their socio-economic level, or any other factor. This is always wrong, because we are judging them without all the facts.
God is very clear in His Word that we are not to judge people on their outward appearance. God looks at the heart. I know we can't look at the heart like God does, but we can get to know a person well, and see their heart through their attitudes and actions. Only then should we come to a conclusion about them based on what the Bible says, not our feelings or prejudices. Even if they are doing the wrong things, we are still to love them like God does.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Esther 4-7.